Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dieselpunk City name running through my head

So no big revelation, except that Mr. Sleepy Dreamtime has barfed out some muy brilliante pieces of awesome. For the unenlightened, Mr. Sleepy Dreamtime is what I call the bits of writing brilliance I get from my post-nocturnal dream interpretation and remembrances. Scary, huh?
(The list is too long for me to go on here, but let me say, MSD helped me finish NaNo 2010, even if it was with drivel!)

So, I dreamed the name for the blog. Sort of a mashup of Demigods and Gothic. It sort of sounds like a font, and thanks for making me think of that Gerald!

The next was the city name I plan on using for my Dieselpunk experiment for the near future. More about this soon, but I wanted a biggish city with a small city feel. Like the city I live in. Hence the name, Tecumseh. (Its so cool, I smile every time I think of it!) I'm such a geek.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Welcome, everyone and no one!

The great spaces of the Internet be filled with randomness! Experiamus!

So I am wondering if it is such a good idea to blog about my un-named steam punk world, considering I have written one novella, one short story, & not been published.